
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Bike Ride

Deb and I went on a three hour bike tour with a guy named Nils, that's him on the left. We were riding through the cemetery where Hans Christian Andersen is buried. The ground cover was so green and the tree cover was so thick the air itself seemed green. It was beautiful and the tour was great. Nils has lots of stories about Copenhagen and opinions about the current state of Denmark and was happy to share them.
For instance, the Little Mermaid is a huge draw and I was thrilled to see it, Nils is less enthusiastic.
This is an old fort that still contains military offices. There wasn't much security. At one time moats and berms were built around Copenhagen to keep out the Swedes... and who would want those hockey wannabes around, but now the old defenses have been converted into parks so there's a ring of 'green' around the city.
The free city of Christiana in the middle of Copenhagen. It's the site of an abandoned army base taken over by 'hippies' in the early 70s and now the home to the third generation of the original inhabitants, who wanted to set up a Utopian community. About 1000 people live on 85 acres and while it's a huge tourist draw, the residents strictly control who can actually live there. I kind of expected a big mess, but except for a dodgy part where pot is sold, it was neat and clean and Utopian looking. The government really wants to close it down, but Nils says the last time they tried there were big riots and every anarchist in Europe was heading to Copenhagen to join the fight so the government backed off.


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