
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Beautiful, Beautiful Barcelona

Barcelona is an amazing place, I've never been anywhere like it. It's so full of life, which means you don't get much sleep because there's always noise, but still it's exhilarating in a way to be there. This is the Catalonia art museum. There are lots of beautiful buildings, especially in the medieval old city... unfortunately I once again forgot to bring the charger for my camera and I was only able to take a few pics before the battery died.
Plaza Espagne... which I guess literally is the Spain Plaza, but that sounds more like a mall at home, so I prefer the Spanish version.
The beach on the Barcelona waterfront, the tourist office said there are much better beaches out of town a ways, but this was okay, there was sand and there was sun and there was water... and I don't think taking photos here is totally cool because there are lots of topless women on the beach... the nude beach was just on the other side of me in the other direction.
There was a vending machine with books in it in one of the subway stations. I've never seen that before. At the baseball championships I was covering, they even played opera sometimes between innings, I don't if people here even separate high and low brow culture the way we do at home where people seem to like one or the other, but not both.

This is the University Plaza, about a half block from where I was staying. People spend a lot of time outdoors in Barcelona. There's a huge section in the old city full of cafes and bars and on the weekend nights it's full of thousands of people partying with various types of live music happening in different squares.


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